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Last Updated on February 16, 2021 by Jess

As an avid runner and overall fitness nut, I am always looking for healthy ways to fuel my body quickly and easily. I also enjoy snacking….a lot. My sister and I were just talking about how there has to be a snack break between breakfast and lunch. We can’t make it otherwise–and these are perfect for that!
When I am cooking and meal prepping, I can tell I have a winning clean eating recipe when my husband approves; With this recipe, he has been known to say, “You know what we are almost out of? Your yummy energy balls. You need to make more!” Guys, that’s a big deal. He is generally the biggest critic of my “overly-healthy” recipes so when he said that, you can bet I got into the kitchen and made another batch! I hope you enjoy them as much as we do! (The original recipe came from Rachel from Clean Food Crush, but has been modified by me to meet our needs at home)
Here are your ingredients
- 2 cups ground old-fashioned oatmeal (see details in the recipe)
- 1/2 cup coconut flour ( It smells so delightful!)
- 1/2 cup real maple syrup (honey would work too!)
- 1/2 cup natural peanut butter
- 1/4 t kosher salt
- 1 1/2 Tablespoons coconut oil, melted (I accidentally forgot this once, and we didn’t even notice, so if you don’t have it, it won’t make or break the recipe)
- 1/3 semisweet chocolate chips
- 1 teaspoon almond extract (I LOVE the flavor this brings in)
First, grind the oats to make a sort of oatmeal flour. To do this, place the old fashioned oats into a food processor and pulse them until you have a very coarse flour like texture. I like to be able to cook with what I have on hand so rather than buy oat flour, I did this and it worked great.
Then, combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix them with a wooden spoon (or by hand!) until well mixed. Form them into 1-2 inch balls (whatever suits your family. We like 1 inch energy balls around here.). Place on a cookie sheet that has been lined with parchment paper. Place the cookie in the fridge for approximately an hour to harden. Remove from the pan, place in an airtight container, and store them back in the fridge. I have read that you can freeze these for up to 3 months as well so if you are a food prep kind of person, I would whip up a few batches and put them in the freezer for a grab and go snack that can thaw over a few hours. (I’m thinking they would be great packed in a lunch and used for that sweet treat at the end to finish up your meal. As for me, I like to pack a few for my morning and afternoon snacks at work (See, I love all the snacks. My husband calls me a squirrel because I always have some food on hand…). As for my kids, they eat them like an after dinner treat, so I think I am winning. I hope you enjoy! –Jess
All the ingredients Mix, mix, mix it up! Finished product! Pop one in and enjoy!
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